A downloadable mod for Windows

I would just like to note, don't mind that the game is called "New Folder", that was just the folder I put the game into after I decompiled it, so just know that

Secondly, no, filename2 is not having a fart-fest during his speech lol

third, sorry if the jump rope animation is weird, I did the best I could to make it look better

Lastly, since it was easier to decompile, I used v1.3.2 for this mod

Small teaser: on Halloween I will release a Halloween mod that includes Baldi eating the camera when getting mad, because it turns him into a monster, many Halloween decorations, and not only texture modifications, but sound too! I will be working on it before Halloween ever comes along, but I will release it on the 31st of October, so stay tuned!

Anyways, that's all I have to say, so yeah.


Baldi's Basics But Every Sound Is Remade With My Voice 50 MB

Install instructions

So far, this is only available for windows users, but here are the install instructions. First (of course), click download. A bar should appear at the bottom of your window with the download. Click the up arrow on the download, then click "show in folder." Next, right click on the zip folder, and click "extract all", then click "extract." After a bit, a new folder should appear, and then open the folder. Now double click "New Folder" (reason why that is the name in description) and enjoy my Baldi's Basics In Education And Learning Mod!

Development log


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my ears almost just blasted from the loud noises lol

lol i remember making that, i think my parents were a little concerned about why i was screaming into my mic. i also may make a remaster of this mod in the 1.4.3 build


ill play the 1.4.3 later probally

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